My own blog, reviewing the books I have recently read, either purchased or kindly sent to me to review. Living in Worcester, UK with my husband and two children. All books I have received are marked as such in the blog. I am NOT Sarah Broadhurst who works for The Bookseller and Lovereading. My other review blog is http://sarah-sarahreviews.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Want to know a secret by Sue Moorcroft

Sunday, 28 November 2010
Blacklands by Belinda Bauer
This is Belinda Bauer's debut novel and she is an author I will definitely be following and look forward to reading more of her work.
Blacklands is a book with a hard hitting storyline - a family who have a unsolved disappearance to deal with. Billy was a young boy who went missing one day, his disappearance has been connected to a serial killer but the family still have no body to bury. The serial killer is in jail but refuses to admit responsibility and let the family bury their boy.
Steven was Billy's nephew, not even born when Billy disappeared but Steven is determined to find Billy's body and try to relieve some of his nan's trauma. He does the unexpected, contacts
Arnold Avery in prison.
Their communications are brief and cryptic - the guards who sensor the mail see no problems with it and when Steven's mother intercepts the post, she assumes it is from Steven's girlfriend.
I will not speak anymore about the storyline as I hate to ruin it for any readers but this book will stay with me for a long time. I felt momentarily uncomfortable reading some of the book especially when Arnold realised that SL was a young boy but the story also had a way of enticing me and I had to find out what happened.
Belinda Bauer has successfully seen the story from both sides - the family of missing Billy, especially Steven, wanting to solve the mystery for his nan, spending hours each weekend digging the moors for the body, and Arnold Avery, who is in prison, but is intrigued by the letters SL sends him.
As I have previously said, I was uncomfortable reading parts of the book, however Belinda does not write a traditional 'child-killer' story. She has thought and described perfectly the tale of the two sides, writes about the atmosphere in the prison, in the home of Steven and his family and also on the moor.
Although the subject of this book may initially put people off reading this book, I would urge you to read this book for yourself, when I think you will see past the storyline and recognise what a stunning debut novel Belinda Bauer has written.
Thank you to Ben Willis from Transworld Publishers for sending me this book to review.
Friday, 26 November 2010
The Speed Reading Book by Tony Buzan

Brownies Christmas Cheer by Caroline Plaisted

Usborne 1001 Things to Spot at Christmas by Alex Frith and Terri Gower

Usborne Flap Books Farmyard Tales Christmas by Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright

Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Secret Santa, Agent of X.M.A.S by Guy Bass COMP WINNERS
- iddybooks
- Mandyjhardy
- lovely treez
- Phyllgerry
Please contact me asap by email or twitter with your address and i will get the books in the post to you as soon as possible.
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Explore, Dream, Discover ..... by Charlotte Samiec

This is a travel-diary, memory-maker, doodle-pad, brain-engager, boredom-stopper, idea-waker, picture-keeper, captain’s log. A thought-provoker book!
Author:Charlotte Samiec
Illustrator:Andrew Pinder
ISBN:978-1-84666-789-3EAN:9 781846 667893
Publish Date:1st February 2010
■Book Size: 202mm x 282mm
■64 pp
■full colour throughout
■foiled title graphic
■sticker sheet
■die-cut games counters
■integral storage pocket
■Ages 7+
This is a fantastic book to give to a child going on holiday! It is a complete log of their travels, their journeys, the information and facts they have learnt, their thoughts and also things for them to think about or imagine at those times when they have lost interest or are bored. Things like designing a comic strip, design and write a postcard and places to keep photographs. The book does not only ask questions about what is seen, but also uses all senses - what can they see, hear, smell, feel and taste.
There are also games to play, a press out dice and counters, a snakes and ladders board, a place for sketches and doodles.
I am really impressed with this book. when i was young I had a holiday fun book, which included a bingo card of what you can spy on your journey to your destination and some games to play but this book is completely different. It is a place for a child to put all their imagination to, a great resource to take back to show relatives, friends or school teachers about what they did on their holiday. I would say this is for children aged 7+ as some of the activities do need some imagination and concentration but I think that children will love completing this over their holiday - especially if you are visiting places of interest or beauty.
Thank you to Lorna at Top That Publishing for sending me this brilliant book to review!
Sticker Funny Faces - Monsters by

Additional Info
ISBN:978-1-84956-238-6EAN:9 781849 562386
Publish Date:10th August 2010
■Book size: 203mm x 203mm
■12 pp text
■Full colour
■Reusable stickers
■Ages 3+
This book is a great one for young children who love making funny faces. The book has thick, sturdy pages (paper not cardboard) and have a coating which make them harder to rip - perfect for young artists who keep changing their mind. There are two pages covered with reusable stickers of noses, mouths, teeth and eyes to added to the many monsters which are on the other 12 pages.
Each page has a different monster with some amusing text and all need their facial features added. Some very amusing creations can be made by your young artists!!
This book will be great for children with creative imagination or those who love stickers, and I personally know that all children love those. I would also think this a great gift for children or one to keep in a cupboard ready for those long holidays or rainy days - it is sure to raise a smile!
I would also recommend this publishing company's website http://www.topthatpublishing.com/index for a place to go to find fun activities - how to draw, competitions and how to cook, to do with your children.
Thank you to Lorna at Top That Publishing for sending me this book to review.
Dirty Bertie: Fangs by Alan Macdonald and David Roberts (Illustrator)

Dirty Bertie - the boy with nose-pickingly disgusting habits - is back for another helping of comic chaos! Join Bertie as he attempts to reveal grumpy Mr Grouch as a vampire, finds himself modelling the latest catwalk fashions and gets a serious scare-cut at the barbers.
This book is the perfect book to get boys into reading! A young boy and his friends getting into mischief. There are three stories within the book, one where they decide that the school caretaker is a real vampire, one where Bertie does not want to go to the barbers for a haircut and persuades his friend to trim it instead and the last being a trip to a department store looking for new shoes and ends up as a model in a fashion show.
The stories are funny and easy to understand, the text is easy to read and I think boys everywhere will enjoy this book. It is also part of a series and so there are plenty of other books to continue your sons new found love for a character!
Thank you to Jane at Stripes books for sending me this to review.
A Winter's Wedding by Sharon Owens

A good, old fashioned, love story between Emily and Dylan runs through the book with relationships of those important to Emily also being told. Her parents, her best friend and her work life are all explored within the book, however the focus always remains with Emily and Dylan.
The book starts and ends in Winter, with snow on the ground and the Christmassy atmosphere all around. The rest of the book is the year as it unfolds, Emily finds a new relationship, while the relationship of her best friend breaks down and she is left to cover for her in her role of editor of a national magazine.
I really enjoyed this book, a traditional boy meets girl, girl and boy fall madly in love etc, however there are also many other relationships and life's ups and downs covered within the book.
I was not a real fan of Sharon's previous book, seven secrets of happiness, but found this book a great read and one which i will be recommending to all my friends. I would also recommend it all who would like an easy read for over the Christmassy period to curl up with in front of a roaring fire.
Thank you to Matt at Penguin Books for sending me this book to review.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Win Signed Copy of Secret Santa, Agent of X.M.A.S by Guy Bass

I have previously reviewed this brilliant book (http://sbroadhurstreviews.blogspot.com/2010/09/secret-santa-agent-of-xmas-by-guy-bass.html) and the great people at Stripes Books have given me 4 copies of the book, signed by author Guy Bass, to giveaway on my blog.
To be in with a chance of winning a copy:
- become a follower of my blog and comment on this post only (1 entry)
- tweet about the competition (1 entry) (please include me in the tweet @sbroadhurst) and add a link to the comment below.
Winners will be drawn at 6pm on Tuesday 23rd November 2010.
Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell

Book details
PublisherLittle, Brown
Thursday, 11 November 2010
I Love Curry by Anjum Anand

I am not a curry eater, however my husband loves them and this will be the ideal present for him.
The book starts with a useful section on the secrets of making a great curry and how to serve a brilliant Indian meal. Anjum Anand describes herself as the Indian who will stand alongside you while you cook a great curry, giving you all the tips you need. She details the process to go through to cook a curry and then how to balance the final dish - if you want to add heat, tame the heat, add sweetness or 'perk' things up.
The recipes, over 50, are split into three sections - the bites, the curry's and the accompaniments. The bites include pakoras and cakes along with chutneys and dips. The curries are further split into vegetable, fish and seafood, poultry and meat and includes favorites like bhunas, madras and rogan josh. The accompaniments include vegetable side dishes, breads and rices and salads and raitas. Each recipe is given an introduction by Anjum in which she gives a quick history of the dish, accompaniments or variations favoured by herself. Many of the recipes are also accompanied by colourful, inspirational photographs of the finished dishes.
The final section is a very important section, a list of ground and whole spices along with Anjum's top ten unusual spices and some websites with further information.
I think this book will be a great present for cooks and curry lovers alike and will be a well used recipe book in no time!
Thank you to Quadrille for sending me the book to review.
Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Companion

This is one big book - it has nearly 750 pages but each page is full of either high quality photography or crammed full of useful information, hints and tips. When my postman bought me the parcel I opened it immediately and was wowed by the gorgeous tactile cover - it reminds me of tradition hessian sacks and is over stitched - a beautiful and unusual book to adorn any kitchen or book shelves.
The book starts with some great sections on getting started and equipment needed in both the garden and kitchen. There is a list of basic equipment along with ideas for further additions to your tool kits if desired. There is also a useful section on both gardening and cooking with children. The author, Stephanie Alexander, has worked in her native Australia to establish kitchen gardens in Australia's primary school and passes on some of her finds to her readers in this section.
The rest of the book is dedicated to Ingredients - in alphabetical order Stephanie details 3 different vegetables, herbs and foods and also includes about 250 recipes which uses these ingredients. On looking through the book there were several ingredients I have never heard of; Amaranth, a leafy vegetable and Myrtle, a shrub, to name but two. Each ingredient has a comprehensive section of its own, including a full page, colour photograph, information with regards to growing it, including soil type, climate, position, water requirements, details how to grow, harvest periods and quantities to plant for a family of four (a very useful section). There are also instructions on growing and harvesting, container planting, because Stephanie is known for advising on gardening in large backyards, in pots on balconies and everything in between. She then discusses preparing and sharing the ingredients when it reaches the kitchen and tips especially for children growing the ingredients. Recipes containing the ingredient follow before the next ingredient is introduced. There are not photographs for every recipe, however there are lots of photographs in the book and they are of a very high quality. The recipes all appear to be straightfoward and look to be good family food ideas.
I would recommend this book as a great gift for both gardeners and cooks and would be loved by all who receive it. It will be a book that will be a resource for many years to come and one which will be frequently delved into. I know my husband has his eye on this book and is looking forward to looking at it in detail.
Thank you to Quadrille Publishing for sending me this book to review.
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Emotional Learning Cards
This is a box of 6x6" cards which could be used by anyone who works with groups of people, one to one with people and can be used for any age. The cards have a variety of pictures included. All the pictures are photographs and cover a wide variety of subjects - to name a few: chopsticks on traditional sushi rolling mats, the hollow shells of two abandoned ships, a head sculpted from plastic lizards and plants.On the back of each card is a summary of the artwork along with some questions that could be asked. There is also a handy information sheet included in the box which gives other useful general hints about using the cards.Although the cards say that they can be used with people of all ages I find it difficult to see how Early Years and young primary school children would understand the cards however, i know that young children have their own viewpoint and opinion on things and so teachers may be able to use them. They also give examples of working with them in therapy sessions.I do think these are stunning cards and would be a beautiful resource to use for professionals working with people of all ages.
Thank you to Michael from The School Run for sending me the copy to review.
Monday, 8 November 2010
A Nation of Gardeners by Twigs Way
This is a fun, yet informative book for garden lovers everywhere. There are historical photographs, vintage advertisements, posters and publications along with a wealth of information. The book was full of fascinating facts and will be one I delve into again to gain more information on a pastime that goes back centuries and will remain popular for many years to come.
Gardeners will find looking through this book a nostaglic journey into the past and will interest both horticulturalists and historians alike.
Where did the craze for crazy paving start, why did bedding plants become popular at the turn of the nineteenth century and all those other gardening fads?? All the answers can be found in this book.
Thank you Carlton Books for sending me this book to review.
Marilyn Monroe - The Personal Archives

Jerry Hall, My Life In Pictures Curated by Jonathan Phang

Inside the Puppet Theatre by Claire Llewellyn and Veronique Leplat

Book details
PublisherCollins Educational
Thursday, 4 November 2010
11+ Crossword Puzzles (Key Stage 2 English)

New Educational Aid to Stimulate FUN Learning for 11 Plus Exams. Make study for 11 Plus English a pleasure for your child!! Read on and see for yourself Based on the English Key Stage 2 National Curriculum, this new English SKIPS Crossword Puzzle Book is a truly exciting innovation to stimulate your child s appetite and interest, specifically when preparing for 11 plus. The first book is packed with interactive activities relevant to today s exams, and designed to hold the child s interest. The Crossword Puzzle Book will appeal to your child s sense of fun and excitement so that they will want to use the book at any time. This play-to-learn approach helps children to motivate and challenge themselves and to grow in confidence and self-belief, qualities that are the springboard for success. WE MUST NEVER UNDERESTIMATE A CHILD S NATURAL ABILITY, WHICH BLOSSOMS WITH LOVE, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGEMENT.......AND FUN !! Written by practising 11 Plus and SATS Tutors for 8 -11 year olds
My daughter loves puzzles and I think this is an ideal book for her. The puzzles are aimed at children currently at Key Stage 2 level and there are crosswords based on a number of different tools of the English Language. There are puzzles based on nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, synonyms and verbal reasoning at two different levels. Before each set of crosswords there is a section on, for example, what is a noun? noun formation? which would act as a reminder for the child as to what they have previously learnt, followed by a puzzle about noun formation and then a section inviting you to have a go at sentence construction using the nouns from the puzzle.
I really like the idea of the book, a great revision tool for what has already been learnt at school. There are answers in the back of the book for us parents who have forgotten all we learnt at school.
A great book for both children who want to practice their new school and for teachers who want a fun resource for English language lessons.
Thank you to Michael from TheSchoolRun forum for sending me the book to review.
Dinoburps by Ciaran Murtagh

The third hilarious story about caveboy Charlie Flint.It's a hot summer and Charlie creates a tasty fizzy drink for the dinosaurs to enjoy and to keep them cool. But there is an unexpected side-effect: very smelly dinoburps. To start with everyone finds it quite amusing, but the burping continues, even when the dinosaurs stop drinking the pop. No one can get any sleep and there's a horrible smelly fog lingering over Sabreton! It's up to Charlie to make a dangerous journey through the jungle, across the sea and to a volcano to get the remedy. And even worse - with a girl.
Dinosaurs who burp! what a combination. A great book for boys of all ages. I would not say this was a book for early readers. Great for readers who are gaining confidence in reading. I will be giving this to my son who is now reading more confidently on his own and I am sure he will love it.
The book starts with Charlie deciding that dinosaurs must be bored drinking only water and so decides to concoct a new drink for them but none he creates is liked by Steggy until he finds a purple flower - crushed, diluted with water and stirred with a liquorice stick. Fantastic, Steggy loves it but then lets out an enormous burp. Soon the town is full of the sounds of dinosaurs burping and the air is full of fog. Charlie must find a cure for the burps - a yellow flower which can only be found on Snapper Mountain. Charlie starts the journey and comes face to face with Sabre Tooth Monkeys and Crocodiles before climbing the mountain which erupts hot boulders! will he manage to get back to Sabreton and cure the dinosaurs from burping??
A book which boys everywhere will enjoy. My only disappointment was the illustrations, pencil sketches which looked very basic. The front cover looks quite attractive and I think if the illustrations inside were of similar quality, they would of looked better.
Thank you to Michael from TheSchoolRun forum for sending me the book to review.
Mr Stink

I recently read David Walliams latest release, Billionaire Boy, and loved it and so was really pleased to find Mr Stink appear through my letter box. David Walliams has created a great character and Quentin Blake's illustrations accompany the story really well.
Walliams has written a great book which again gives a great message to readers of all ages - don't judge a person by their appearance.
Mr Stink is a tramp who sits all day on a bench in the town centre, avoided by everyone because ... he smells. Chloe is a school girl and the daughter of a mother who thinks she is extremely posh, wants to be a member of Parliament and looks down her nose at others. There are many secrets in the family and Mr Stink has a way of outing the secrets while making the family reunite and become a loving family once more.
I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to adults and children alike who want a good story with a strong message included within.
Thank you to Harper Collins for sending me the book to review.
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Twelve Days of Christmas by Trisha Ashley