To survive in this fast-moving, ever-changing world we all have to move fast and think fast to keep up. With so much to do and less and less time to do it, our free time is an increasingly precious commodity. So, if there was a simple way to save hours, days or even months of your time, you'd probably want to know about it right? Well there is, and it's Speed Reading. Imagine the time you could save, and all the amazing new information you could consume, if you were able to read at speeds of over 1000 words per-minute. And we don't mean just simple skim-reading, but also properly and completely comprehending, understanding and retaining the information you've read. This fully revised and updated edition of the powerful book from the world-renowned authority Tony Buzan, will show you exactly how you can quickly start to read at amazing speeds. Speed Reading is simple to follow, easy to understand and fun too. You'll find out how fast your reading speed is now and then discover how you could be reading dramatically faster in no time. And you won't just improve your reading speed, but your concentration and comprehension levels will soar too. The techniques in the book are ideal for teachers, students or executives indeed, anyone who wants to improve the speed, comprehension and quality of their reading. The benefits of speed reading are numerous, no matter where or why you read. You'll be able to zip through whole novels in one sitting; you'll speed through newspapers and magazines in minutes; you'll be the envy of your colleagues as you consume and understand business reports in record time. Speed Reading will revolutionise the way you read. You'll save days, weeks even months of your precious time; you'll learn more efficiently and quickly; and you'll be left marvelling at your new-found speed-reading abilities.
As a Open University student I was intrigued when i received this book to review. There is plenty of reading to do and I have tried different techniques to speed reading but was interested to read other suggestions.
The book is split into four sections and begins with an introduction which explains how we may have been taught to read and also how and why Tony Buzan has developed his techniques.
The book recommends it is used as a course manual and explains the initial assessment and the different sections and techniques included in the book. however, after looking through and reading sections of the book it does seem like it is the first part of larger course - suggesting you read other books by him for further techniques and methods that could be used.
The techniques seems like it will take some time master and therefore I am unsure whether this will be a technique I look further into until my current course finishes next summer.
Thank you to Michael from My School Run forum for sending me this book to review.
If you are looking for the best centre for the speed course reading in Punjab then you can go with Rajmin Academy. We are here to provide you the various midbrain activation courses that will boost your brain power.