Expert knowledge, real-life experiences and enlightening research specifically carried out for the book, all combine to create a unique view on what it takes to be a parent of primary school children. Covering the issues that will affect you and your children during their primary school years, you will find yourself armed with knowledge, tips, tricks and advice that will help you both through even the most challenging times. With every topic discussed you'll discover valuable specialist opinion and guidance, as well as quotes, clever know-how and insights from real parents who've already been through it. From mealtimes and bedtimes, tricky questions and homework, all the way through to sex and drugs, you'll soon discover you're not the only parent grappling with all this stuff. And with Raising Children on your side you'll be well-informed, well-prepared and well-equipped to handle any problem big or small.
This book is really well set out. Split into eleven sections; general behaviour management; friends and foes; school and after school; food, glorious food; sleep; growing up fast;gadgets and games; tricky questions (sex and drugs); financial matters; difficult times and other little challenges (including lies, bad habits and fear), this book covers everything that parents may need help with in the bringing up of their children (age 4-11 years).
Each section details the big issues within the subject, some background info into the subject, the opinions and common answers by professionals in the field (psychologists, nutritionists etc) and most importantly what you can do about it. There are also ideas for further reading at the end of each section.
The book is set out in a reader friendly way, in easy to understand English, without long, scientific or technical jargon. The advice given is helpful and friendly and is practical, things which can be done by everyone and not just the 'ideal' family. The author is also British and so has relevant and useful advice.
While looking through the book I found many topics covered which will be helpful to me; talking about a family bereavement; how should I decide upon pocket money, fussy eating and homework and also topics to swat up on for the future: sex, the need for a mobile phone, drug prevention, disagreements about clothing and sleepovers.
The only downside or negative that I have found about the book is that there is no index. There is a contents page but this is not detailled enough to find a specific topic quickly.
I think this is a book that would be a book every parent would have the need to consult at least five times in their child's primary years. A great resource and reference for parents everywhere.
Thank you to Michael from The School Run forum for sending me the book to review.
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