Challenge Participant


Friday 26 July 2019

Blog Tour - Someone Else's Baby by Ruby Speechly

Today I am taking part in Hera Books' blog tour to celebrate the publication of Ruby Speechley's novel, Someone Else's Baby.

She gave away her children. Now she wants them back.

Charlotte Morgan knows how it feels to desperately want a baby. As a child, seeing her mum devastated by losing her longed-for babies, Charlotte wished another woman could give her mother what she so craved.

Now Charlotte’s a mum herself, and knowing how much love her daughter, Alice, brings into her life, she vows to help others achieve their dreams of becoming a parent.

When she meets Malcolm and Brenda on a surrogacy website, it seems she's found the perfect couple. In their late forties, they have wealth and an enviable life, but there’s one thing missing – a child of their own.

When Charlotte falls pregnant with twins, the pair are overjoyed. And while Charlotte’s heart breaks as she hands them over, her reward is knowing how much happiness the two tiny babies are going to bring into their life.

But are Malcolm and Brenda all they seem? As secrets become unravelled, Charlotte is forced to face that she has given her children to virtual strangers. And when Malcolm and Brenda disappear without a trace, Charlotte is plunged into a frantic search for the babies she carried – before it’s too late…

'Someone Else's Baby' tackles the difficult subject of Surrogacy, a topic that creates much debate and one that I find intriguing and I am not sure that I could do this myself but think that the ladies who do are truly amazing.

Charlotte is the amazing surrogate and, after meeting with Malcolm and Brenda via a surrogacy website, becomes pregnant with twins. As her pregnancy progresses there are times where it appears that there is something that Malcolm and Brenda are hiding, they don't appear revealing all about their lives and this becomes apparent when they disappear with the twins after their birth.

I really enjoyed reading 'Someone Else's Baby' and I think that it would make a great book club read as I am sure that readers will have lots to discuss about the topic of Surrogacy and the reasons behind Malcom and Brenda's disappearance.

I really like Ruby's storytelling and I am looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.
Thank you to Hera Books and Sarah Hardy for inviting me to take part in the blog tour and for a copy of the book in return for an honest review.


  1. Thanks so much for taking part in the blog tour today Sarah x

  2. Sounds interesting, but I'm unsure if it is one for me.
