Challenge Participant


Sunday, 28 October 2018

Blog Blitz - The Christmas Wish by Tilly Tennant

Today I am really pleased to be taking part in Bookouture's Blog Blitz to celebrate Tilly Tennant's latest release ' The Christmas Wish'.

Christmas is coming but it doesn’t feel that way for Esme. Jilted by her cheating fiancée Warren and mourning the death of her beloved grandmother she’s determined not to let life beat her and books a trip to Lapland, on a holiday that her grandmother had always dreamed of taking.

Beneath the indigo skies of Lapland, love is the last thing on Esme’s mind but she can’t ignore a spark with Zach, a broodingly handsome actor, also nursing a broken heart. But when Esme is bombarded by messages from Warren promising he’s changed and she discovers that Zach is hiding something-will her head be turned? And when a trip to the northern lights reveals the full extent Zach’s own secret past is there any hope that Esme will get the happy ending that her grandmother wished for her?

I want to start by saying I loved the cover for this book. It is perfect and is exactly how i imagine the setting for the book. It is a great festive read and I am really loving all of Tilly Tennant's books at the moment! 

'The Christmas Wish' is a great read for this time of year, the build up to the festive period is in full swing and I love spending this time of year immersing myself iun as many Christmassy books as I can before the big day to get me in the Christmas spirit. 

'The Christmas Wish' has a bit of everything - there is grief coupled with undertaking one of her grandmothers dreams, relationship breakdown, the gorgeous setting of Lapland and possible new love interest, with the gorgeous but mysterious Zach, new romance,  and all set around the festive period. 

The synopsis to this book is really good and I would definitely have picked this book up to read, expecting a fun and light Christmassy read but I was pleased to find that the story contained much more and there are some important topics covered within the book too. 

Thank you to Bookouture for inviting me to take part in this Blog Blitz and a copy of the book in return for an honest review.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Blog Blitz - One Dark Night by Tom Bale

He sees his wife’s eyes watching him in the rear-view mirror, the kids up on their knees to get a better look. That’s when he hears the scream…

You’re driving home from a family outing one afternoon, when a speeding car cuts you up, nearly causing you to crash. Like anyone would, you pull over to confront the driver.

But a glance into the backseat of the speeding car reveals a woman fighting to escape. She is terrified and she’s screaming for your help: these men have murdered her husband…

What would you do?
An addictive thriller with plenty of twists – fans of Harlan CobenJames Patterson and Robert Dugoni will be completely hooked. 

Today I am pleased to be part of Bookouture's Blog Blitz to celebrate the publication of Tom Bale's new release, One Dark Night.

I am a big fan of Tom Bale's and I think this is due to his writing style. He very cleverly writes in a way in which the reader is immediately hooked and can feel the tension rising as the plot thickens. The reader discovers clues in real time and feels part of the action. 

The story-line is of a family involved in a road rage incident when they were in the wrong place at the wrong time, a story-line that is uncomfortable and frightening but Tom approached it in a way that was interesting being a fly of the wall observing the fallout.There are parts of the story that, in reality, could be seen as far fetched, however this did not detract from the story-line, one which I really enjoyed, and the story flowed well. 

i am already looking forward to Tom Bale's next release.

Thank you to the publishers, Bookouture, for sending me a copy of the book in return for an honest review.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Blog Tour - Second Chances at the Logfire Cabin by Catherine Ferguson

Today I am pleased to welcome Catherine Ferguson to my blog to celebrate the  publication of her latest novel 'Second Chances at the Logfire Cabin',

Second Chances at the Log Fire Cabin (Paperback)It's time to cosy up this winter...
When Roxy proposes to her boyfriend Jackson in a moment of madness on live TV, she's mortified when he rejects her.

To escape the embarrassment, she takes a job working as baking assistant at the idyllic Log Fire Cabin. Roxy hopes the new job will take her mind off Jackson, because to her eternal annoyance, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about him...

But when Jackson turns up at the cabin unexpectedly, things begin to go wrong. With a sprinkle of snow, the help of new friends and more than a couple of mince pies, can Roxy heal her heart in time for Christmas?

I reall=6
I really enjoyed my visit to Logfire Cabin last year and was really glad to be invited55 to return this year too. Although it is the second book in the series. it could easily be read as a standalone book and it is a great book to get you in the Christmassy spirit. Filled with all the usual Christmas cheer this is a definite good book to pick up this festive period.

The location sounds gorgeous and the smells and images were seeping out of the pages as I read. I loved Roxy, she is a great character, one which has many secrets, and as they are revealed it is obvious to see why she behaves as she does.

All the cookies and gingerbread throughout the book sounds delicious and I definitely felt hungry as I devoured the story - I definitely think that you need a big drink and a range of snacks by your side as you read the book because once you start it, you won't want to stop!

Thank you to Avon Books for sending me a copy of the book in return for an honest review.6=

Catherines publisher's, Avon Books, have kindly given me an extract to share with my blog readers......

At thirty-two, Jackson Cooper is a very successful businessman, having built up a large property management company in the time since he left university. I tell myself he deserves an evening relaxing in front of the football. He works so incredibly hard.

An evening in will probably be better for me, too, really. I’m out of work at the moment and money is really tight.

Flo has been so good to me since I lost my job at the factory back in late September. The redundancy package was okay, mainly because I started there when I was twenty-three, which meant I had seven years of service under my belt. But the money is draining away and I’m starting to get worried, having applied for dozens of jobs, so far with no luck at all – not even an interview. Flo has insisted on halving my rent until I get back into work, but I hate being a burden like this. It’s just not fair on Flo. Worry has been affecting my sleep lately and I’m forever nodding off on the sofa in the evenings.

Thank you to the publishers, Avon Books, for sending me a copy in return for an honest review and a place on the blog tour.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Blog Tour - A Christmas Gift by Sue Moorcroft

A Christmas Gift: The #1 Christmas Bestseller Returns with the Most Feel Good Romance of 2018 (Hardback)Georgine loves Christmas. The festive season always brings the little village of Middledip to life. But since her ex-boyfriend walked out, leaving her with crippling debts, Georgine's struggled to make ends meet.

To keep her mind off her worries, she throws herself into organising the Christmas show at the local school. And when handsome Joe Blackthorn becomes her assistant, Georgine's grateful for the help. But there's something about Joe she can't quite put her finger on. Could there be more to him than meets the eye?

Georgine's past is going to catch up with her in ways she never expected. But can the help of friends new and old make this a Christmas to remember after all?

Curl up with the gorgeous new book from the Sunday Times bestseller, perfect for fans of Carole Matthews and Trisha Ashley. 

I really enjoy reading Sue Moorcroft's books, especially her Christmassy reads, and I was really pleased when I received 'A Christmas Gift' . It is Sue's first hardback release and the cover is fantastically Christmassy and definitely jumps off the shelf as you walk by!

'A Christmas Gift' is set over the festive period however it is more than that. I enjoyed the down to earth, real life Christmas period with all the modern highs and lows that go with it. As with all of Sue's books the story covers a more serious subject, this one being poverty and I really enjoyed Joe's story as he has to overcome his childhood poverty and then how he copes with the fame and fortune of adult life and how he wants to fit back in to his childhood town. Intertwined with this is Georgine, who is also trying to remove herself from her and her ex-partner's debts and make a new life for her.  I always enjoy seeing characters from Sue's previous books popping up in future books and this book is no different. It feels like Sue has created her own community and I enjoy popping back and revisiting it once or twice a year to see who I will see each time.

I think that a lot of people will be able to relate to Georgine's story, maybe even some of Joe's history too. It is a great book to read to start to get into Christmas before reading the cosy, all snow and festive cheer titles that will be coming out soon.

Thank you to Sue Moorcroft and Avon Books for inviting me to take part in this blog tour and for a copy of the book, in return for an honest review.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Blog Tour - Lies Between Us by Ronnie Turner

Will they ever learn the truth?

Three people, leading very different lives, are about to be brought together – with devastating consequences . . .

John has a perfect life, until the day his daughter goes missing.

Maisie cares for her patients, but hides her own traumatic past.

Miller should be an innocent child, but is obsessed with something he can’t have.

They all have something in common, though none of them know it – and the truth won’t stay hidden for long . . .

A gripping psychological thriller for fans of Clare Mackintosh, Shari Lapena and Lisa Jewell.

Today I am pleased to be taking part in the mammoth blog tour for Ronnie Turner's debut novel 'Lies Between Us'. 

Lies Between Us is a fantastic debut novel by Ronnie Turner and I absolutely loved it. it is a psychological thriller which has left me wanting to read more and more by Ronnie Turner. I have not felt this since reading Clare Mackintosh and Fiona Barton's debut novels.

Ronnie Turner has written a fantastically clever book which takes three characters, seemingly unconnected, with narrative that expresses their inner voices, taking the reader into their darkest and innermost thoughts. This style of writing leaves the reader unsettled but also keeps them engaged and having to read on to find out what happens next.

There are clues splattered throughout the book as the three voices tell their own stories but it is not until near the end that these three individual stories begin to intertwine and the crime is revealed and solved.

The three voices and separate timelines means that the reader must concentrate and check the chapter titles to ensure that they follow but due to the engaging story and Ronnie's fantastic writing style this is not difficult as I found it very difficult to put the book down once I started it.

There are, as in most brilliant psychological thrillers, twists and turns throughout the book and the tension builds and builds until the crescendo at the end which is perfect.

I am really looking forward to seeing what Ronnie writes next.

Thank you to Ronnie and the publishers, HQ Stories, for sending me a copy of the book in return for an honest review and inviting me to take =part in this mammoth blog tour to celebrate a fantastic debut novel.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Blog Tour - Starlight on the Palace Pier by Tracy Corbett

Get swept away with Tracy Corbett and spend your holidays on the Brighton pier
After an injury derails her dream of becoming a professional dancer, Becca Roberts heads home to Brighton in search of a fresh start.
And, when a part-time dance teacher role becomes available at The Starlight Playhouse, it seems like her stars are finally aligning. The crumbling old playhouse might need a bit of tender loving care (and a lick of paint!), but Becca is more than up to the challenge.
That is until Becca’s first love (and first heartbreak), Tom, waltzes into the Starlight Playhouse, and she realises life by the sea might not be as simple as she thought…
Fall in love on Palace Pier in this feel-good romantic comedy, perfect for fans of Debbie Johnson and Jill Mansell.
I really enjoyed this book. Tracy Corbett is a new author to me and I was impressed with 'Starlight on the Palace Pier'. It had a great storyline and was something different to the books that are on the market at the moment.

It has got a romance within the storyline but it also had a number of other storylines which are current and relatable. Everyone has a history, there are things in a person's history which they may want to forget about or which shape the person they are now and in many cases this makes them all the better.

There are many moments within this book that I felt my heart strings being tugged but also lots of times when I laughed out loud too and I would love my blog readers to pick it up and enjoy.

The publishers have given me an extract from 'Starlight on the Palace Pier' to share with my blog readers .......

Becca fought back a smile. As outfits went, this was conservative. She held out her hand. ‘Lovely to meet you. I’m Becca.’

‘Mrs Busby.’ The woman tutted at the sight of Becca’s black bra visible beneath her white top. Her mum had often mentioned the old woman during their phone calls. She sounded like quite a character.

The woman held out her arm and nodded towards the dining room. ‘Shall we?’

Becca had never escorted anyone into lunch before.

Oh, well. Always a first time for everything.

She led the old woman through the doorway, expecting to find the room bustling with guests and chatter, but instead found the sparse conservatory empty apart from one elderly gentleman seated at a table. He was wearing a smart blazer.

When they entered, he rose from his chair and pretended to tip his non-existent hat. ‘Good afternoon, 
Milady. And how are we this fine lunchtime?’

Mrs Busby responded with a dainty curtsey. ‘I’m very well, thank you, Dr Mortimer.’

He held out a chair for her. ‘Allow me.’

Becca felt like she’d been transported to a bygone era.

‘And who do we have here?’ The elderly gentleman subjected Becca to the same once-over Mrs Busby had given her. His reaction seemed far more approving.

‘Ruby’s daughter,’ Mrs Busby answered. ‘She’s moved into the guest house and doesn’t like cats.’ Her voice lowered to a whisper as though Becca wasn’t standing there. ‘I think she might be one of those hipster types, but she has nice manners, so I think we can overlook her other foibles.’ The woman pointed to Becca’s bellybutton ring, poking out from beneath her top.

Foibles? Becca was too amused to be offended. She’d never been called a ‘hipster’ before.

Before she could respond, the double doors leading to the kitchen opened and her mum appeared looking hot and flustered, carrying a tray of freshly baked rolls. Her dark hair had streaks of grey in it and she’d lost weight over the summer, but her face brightened on seeing her daughter. ‘Becca, love. You’re here.’ She looked around for somewhere to dump the tray, balancing it on one of the empty tables. ‘Good journey?’

‘Not bad, thanks.’

I received a copy of this book in return for an honest review. Thank you to the publishers,Avon Books, for inviting me to take part in this blog tour.

Saturday, 6 October 2018

Blog Tour - The Christmas Cafe at Seashell Cove by Karen Clarke

Today I am really pleased to be taking part in the Blog Blitz to celebrate the publication of Karen Clarke's latest book, The Christmas Cafe at Seashell Cove.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the café at Seashell Cove, where there’s hot chocolate to keep you warm – and the man of your dreams could be waiting…

Interior designer Tilly Campbell loves being carefree and single. But her latest job is redecorating the cosy local café for a Christmas party, and when her friends confess their plans for the big night – including a proposal, a declaration of love and a pregnancy announcement – Tilly starts to wonder if she might be missing out…

Transforming the café into a winter wonderland is more of a challenge than she thought, so when she bumps into gorgeous newcomer Seth, Tilly welcomes the distraction. Seth is a single father, struggling to settle his son Jack into their new cottage, and Tilly is determined to help them make their house into a home in time for Christmas.

But with the café still in chaos just days before the party it looks like it’s going to be a Christmas to remember for all the wrong reasons… With friends old and new relying on her, can Tilly save the Christmas party?

And could she finally find love waiting for her under the mistletoe?

A heart-warming, hilarious read about friendship, family and the meaning of Christmas. Perfect for fans of Sue Moorcroft, Holly Martin and Debbie Johnson! 

It was great to make a return visit to Seashell Cove, and this one was extra special as it is Christmas and the Cove sounds just as welcoming in the winter as it did in the summer.

This is the third book in the series and I really enjoyed the visit and catching up with old friends while also meeting new visitors, one of whom was Seth - a single parent who has recently moved to the Cove with his son. Although this is the third book in the series, it could easily be read as a standalone books but I am sure that readers will soon be reaching for the other two books after finishing this one.

Karen Clarke has written another great book and I really like the welcoming feel to Seashell Cove and its cast of characters. Karen's writing draws you into the community and the Cafe is a central part to it. 

This book concentrates on Tilly, the daughter of the cafe owners, a person who has featured in all three books in the series and it was great for the spotlight to be on her. She has trouble with relationships, mainly getting past the one month mark and is having trouble to commit to her latest boyfriend, Rufus, when he asks her to be his plus one at a wedding. While she is wrangling with her emotions, she spots a young boy running into the sea after his dog, and her instincts take over and she jumps in to rescue him. She drags him back to the beach and is herself pulled out by his father, Seth, who soon becomes a friend. I really enjoyed watching this friendship develop. Tilly has an inner turmoil as she tries to understand her feelings and I would of loved to have been able to help her. 

There was a real strong storyline of family and friendship throughout the book. Seth and his son, Jack, had had a hard time and I would of loved to have been able to give them a huge hug and help them work through it. 

The book is a great read and there was added humour throughout with Gwen from the cafe and her brilliant straight laced humour. I can imagine visitors to the cafe returning for her alone, and that is before the gorgeous cakes that are served.

A great start to the festive reading spree that I am sure will be building up over the next few months. I am really looking forward to seeing what Karen comes up with next. 

Thank you to Bookouture for a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Blog Tour - The Secrets You Hide by Kate Helm

In her eyes, no-one is innocent... A knock-out read for fans of Clare Mackintosh, Anatomy of a Scandal and Apple Tree Yard. Georgia Sage has a gift: she can see evil in people. As a courtroom artist she uses her skills to help condemn those who commit terrible crimes. After all, her own brutal past means she knows innocence is even rarer than justice. But when she is drawn back into the trial that defined her career, a case of twisted family betrayal, she realises her own reckless pursuit of justice may have helped the guilty go free. As Georgia gets closer to the truth behind the Slater family, something happens that threatens not only her career - but even her own sanity. At first, she fears her guilt around the events of her terrible childhood is finally coming back to haunt her. The truth turns out to be even more terrifying . . . THE SECRETS YOU HIDE is an ambitious rocket of a novel. Every layer, every twist, every revelation makes you question the very characters you thought you could trust, and rethink a plot you thought you were beginning to unravel...
Publisher: Zaffre Publishing
ISBN: 9781785764745

Today I am very pleased to welcome Kate Helm to my blog to celebrate the e-book  publication of her new novel 'The Secrets You Hide'. I have read a number of Kate's previous books which have been published under her name, Kate Harrison, and it is fair to say that they all feature food and/or diet in a number of guises so I was really pleased that Kate decided to tell me about how she has stepped away from the food and turned to the dark side of murder!

The story behind The Secrets You Hide (or how a diet author ditched calories for killers)

I often have murderous thoughts when I’m at the gym.

Who doesn’t? We know exercise is good for us, but sometimes we’re just not in the mood, and the zig-zagging on the treadmill – my chosen instrument of torture – feels endless.

My tactic is to listen to podcasts and audiobooks: that way, I’m distracted from the repetitive movements by dramas or documentaries. I love thrillers, true crime podcasts and health shows – the latter for work reasons, as I’ve spent the last 6 years writing about health and intermittent fasting diet after sharing my story of weight loss in The 5:2 Diet Book.

But I never expected my podcast habit to give me the idea for writing my first thriller.

I was on my usual cross-trainer when my phone started playing the latest download of Criminal – an American show which gives quirky takes on all aspects of the justice system. This episode, Pen and Paper, dealt with the work of courtroom artists, who are employed to capture dramatic moments during criminal trials, because photography and filming is banned.

Courtrooms have always fascinated. When I was a junior reporter, I covered a huge range of cases, everything from celebrities accused of speeding, to husbands accused of murdering their wives.

I knew all about the drama – and the boredom too: court cases can be so drawn out. But I’d never thought of what it must be like to have to draw the defendants, to stare into their eyes and try to capture their likeness. 

But, as I plodded on with my workout, I began to wonder what might happen if someone with their own troubled past might take that job and try to skew their drawings to suggest guilt or innocence.

I also did Criminology as a mature student with the Open University, and remembered how early profilers had tried to make a link between someone’s facial appearance and their likely guilt – all disproved now, of course, but we all do still judge on appearances without thinking.

The character of Georgia – my damaged yet talented courtroom artist – began to form and I used my reporting experience to create the court cases she might cover. Her desperation to help tip the balance towards a guilty verdict had to have a dark cause – and her flawed judgement would have frightening consequences.

There’s another, even stranger element to the book that also came from a podcast I heard only a week later on that same cross-trainer – but you’ll have to read the book to find out what that is because it’s the key to one of the story’s mysteries.

Inspiration can come in many forms  - what we notice as individuals has so much to do with our own interests, experiences and preoccupations. This moment in the gym marked a thrilling new departure for me. 

I’ve even got a new name, Kate Helm –so people don’t buy the book expecting low-cal recipes…

And I have an extra reason to go to the gym these days, because I’m always hoping for another eureka moment – as well trying to undo the damage of the most sedentary job in the world.

Exercise can be murder in all the right ways.

The Secrets You Hide is published as an e-book on October 4 and paperback on February 7. Join Kate’s free book club for exclusive previews and competitions to win signed books by your favourite thriller authors, via Kate’s website or follow her on Twitter @katewritesbooks

I enjoyed reading 'The Secrets You Hide'. It is one of those books that draws the reader in and doesn't let go until the last word. It was a really interesting topic that I was very interested in and gave me food for thought. Earlier in the year I read Fiona Barton's 'The Widow' which was written from the point of view of a defendant's wife, a point of view that is rarely written from and this book is very similar, a book written from the point of view of the court artist - I found this to be really interesting, someone who has been in many courtrooms and seen hundreds of accused in the dock and given the responsibility of capturing the drama of the courtroom in one picture.

I really recommend this as a great and unique book for fans of crime fiction to pick up and enjoy.

Thank you to the publishers, Bonnier Zaffre and to Kate Helm for inviting me to take part in the blog return and send a copy of the book in return for an honest review.