Challenge Participant


Sunday, 15 May 2016

Blog Tour - Lad Lit author Steven Scaffardi

Today I am pleased to welcome Steven Scaffardi to my blog. Steven is a lad lit author of two books.

It is day 27 of the Lad Lit Blog Tour and I am delighted to be here at Sarah’s Book Reviews! It is nearly four weeks since the tour started and I have been lucky enough to write several guest blogs already on the subject of lad lit.

So today I want to change things up a little bit J

To try and help readers who are not familiar with lad lit get a better understanding of what it’s all about (and whether it’s something they would like to read), I have compiled my top five favourites stories from my first book, The Drought.


5. The beginning of the end
I wanted to start the book in a way that grabbed the reader and made them to read more, so I opted with an opening chapter called The End, which basically is the end of the book! Here we find Dan slumped at a bar, bemoaning the past eight months of sexual wilderness. But there is a hidden backstory – a betrayal – which Dan refers to, and sets the story up for the series of comical capers that ensue. Not before Dan gets himself into an award altercation with a barmaid of course. You can read the first chapter here.

4. The road trip to Brighton
In an attempt to try and help Dan get over his drought, his three best friends (Rob, Ollie and Jack) organise a road trip to Brighton for the weekend. Across the two days the boys end up in all sorts of mischief, but the funniest scene has to be when they accidently gate-crash an OAPs 80th birthday party. Without giving too much away, it is fair to say the family of grandma Betty are none too pleased with the uninvited guests and what the boys have to do to escape their wrath is nothing short of hilarious! You can read Jack’s rules of the road trip here.

3. The break-up
From the start of the book, the reader knows that Dan is on a sexual drought, and that dry patch all starts the day he breaks-up with his long-term girlfriend Stacey. After waking up to 47 irate voicemails from Stacey on New Year’s Day morning, Dan sheepishly heads over to her flat and the inevitable break-up does not exactly go to plan, especially when Stacey’s best friend, Sophie, takes great offence to how Dan handles the situation and storms into the bedroom with… well, you’ll just have to read to find out exactly what she does!

2. The reason why men hate shopping
One chapter that is especially close to my heart is when Dan’s good friend, Kelly, asks him to go shopping with her to buy her boyfriend a birthday present. I actually wrote this chapter while traipsing around Top Shop on Oxford Street with my wife. I poured out all of my feelings of being made to walk around looking at high heels and jersey tops (whatever the hell they are) into the pages of that chapter. In my mind, I was speaking for every man and the pain we suffer when our wives and girlfriends drag us around those shops. You can read the whole chapter here.

1. Dan gets horribly drunk on his first date with Grace
We’ve all been here. You are on a first date with someone you really fancy and you’ve chosen to meet them in a bar, surrounded by this liquid called alcohol that has been known to make people do silly things. When Grace – a girl who is so out of Dan’s league – agrees to go on a date with Dan, he is super keen to impress. So much so, that he makes sure he gets to the bar early so not to be late. However, he is a little too early and by the time Grace arrives, he is already three or four drinks ahead of her. What follows is a car crash of a first date, including a very drunk Dan hitting the dance floor in what he describes his moves as looking like “An octopus who only has two tentacles left and is trying to compensate for the missing six.”

Steven Scaffardi is the author of the Sex, Love and Dating Disaster series. His first novel, The Drought, is the laugh-out-loud tale of one man's quest to overcome the throes of a sexual drought. After the stormy break-up with his girlfriend of three years, Dan Hilles is faced with the daunting task of throwing himself back into the life of a single man. With the help of his three best pals, Dan is desperate and determined to get his leg-over with hilarious consequences!

The Drought and his new novel The Flood – a comedy about one man trying to juggle four women at the same time – are both available for just 99p on the Kindle at Amazon.

Follow all of the fun on his blog tour by following him on Twitter @SteveScaffardi or by using the hashtag #LadLitBlogTour. More information about Steven and his books can be found on his blog.

Thank you to Steven for joining me on the blog today.

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